WordPress Hack: How to Identify, Fix, and Prevent

WordPress Hack: How to Identify, Fix, and Prevent


By Rahul Patil Published in Wordpress

WordPress is very popular CMS offering platform and has lot of flexibility and being very easy in the usage. Unfortunately, this format is so widespread that it has become a favorite of hackers. In this WordPress blog, you will learn the following:

  • When your site is hacked or possibly hacked?
  • Why your WordPress site may have been hacked?
  • How to restore your hacked site?
  • How to avoid WordPress hacking?

We will also respond to some of the FAQ’s about WordPress hacks.

Sign of Hacked

1. Site Slowdowns or Crashes

There are lot of reason why your website might not be loading. Malicious attack is just one of many possibilities. Sometimes, it may cause speed of website starts talking significantly longer to load or carshes intermitlently it is signal of malicious scripts consuming server resources. Hackers may use your server to run various scripts or spend spam emails, which overloads your server and slows down your site’s performance. 

2. Strange User Accounts

The new user accounts which are created with admin privileges are notable something that you or your team members have not created. For instance, a user account “admin123” is listed among your users. Hackers also set up other compromised accounts that have higher clearing level access than the main admin login to your site.

3. Suspicious Files

You discover files in the WordPress directories having peculiar names that include “wp-config.bak.php” or “temp.php” and you did not upload them. Such files could include virus coded or various other material that may be dangerous. These scripts are uploaded into your site to run more commands, and steal more data, or find other holes to exploit. You should frequently scan the directories which contain files that you are unaware of or files which seem to be unsafe.

Reason for Hacked

1. Outdated Software

2. Weak Passwords

Setting common passwords simplify the work of hackers and they get a free access to your site. Specific account security threats include; passwords that are easily guessable, short passwords, and passwords that are used more than once to access different sites. Such passwords as “123456” or “password” are also hackable by performing brute force attack leading to a hacker’s ability to regain the control over the site admin space.

3. Third-Party Integrations Security Measures

Some third-party themes or plugins are unsafe and contain malicious code that can affect your site if you do not secure it using security plugins, and have not properly set up a firewall or two-factor authentication, among other accesses. If these integrations are not be updated periodically hence, well-known vulnerabilities are likely to be unaddressed.

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Tips to Prevent a WordPress Hack

1. Keep Everything Updated

This is very important and should be done often by updating the WordPress core, themes, and plugins. Such updates can consist of security updates that address bugs found by the programmers or reported by other users of the application. The current version of WordPress lets your site have the current security settings making it difficult for hackers to access your website.

2. Use Strong Passwords

It is important to use complex and powerful password for all user accounts particularly for the administrative accounts. Do not select obvious passwords and it is advisable to get a good password generator to help in generating good, hard to guess passwords. A password is created by combining alphabets and numbers both in the small and capital case and such other characters which make it difficult for the attacker to hack the password through a method known as brute force.

3. Install Security Plugins

Users should employ professional security plugins for WordPress, Wordfence, Sucuri, or iThemes Security for more protection towards the site. These plugins include firewalls, anti-malware, security for login that may increase, and real-time threat identification. Wordfence Security plugin continuously scans for possible malicious traffic, and detect malware and other threats, and gives you notifications to diverse security risks to your site to secure it from various threats.

4. Use SSL Certificates

Make sure your site has HTTPS by using SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificates to install HTTPS. Based on HTTPS, data exchanged between a user and your website is secure from interception by anyone with ill-intent. Web address that includes HTTPS in the address bar feature a padlock icon on the browser to indicate to visitors that the connection to the particular website is secure and their information is encrypted when dealing with this site.

5. Disable File Editing

Set your site up to not allow any changes to the code on your site by deactivating the inbuilt file editor in WordPress console. This minimizes the probability of the unwanted guests of your site getting a chance to manipulate your site files and introduce wrong code. The second one is defining the define (‘DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT’, true); constant and placing it to your site’s wp-config file. php file also stops the file editor in WordPress so that the files cannot be edited through WordPress, but can only be edited through the server.

6. Build a site on WordPress Bedrock to Prevent Attacks

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FAQs about WordPress Hack

Q: How often should I back up my WordPress site?

Ideally, you should back up your site daily or weekly, depending on the frequency of updates and changes.

Q: Can free security plugins provide adequate protection?

Free security plugins can offer basic protection, but premium versions often provide more comprehensive features and support

Q: How can I tell if a plugin or theme is safe?

Check reviews, ratings, and the number of active installations. Ensure it’s regularly updated and from a reputable source.

Q: Is it necessary to use a web application firewall (WAF)?

Yes, a WAF can add an extra layer of security by filtering out malicious traffic before it reaches your site.

Q: What should I do if I can’t fix the hack myself?

Consider hiring a professional with experience in WordPress security to clean and secure your site. WebbyCrown is here to assist you with that.

Q: WordPress site hacked can’t log in?

Reset your password via phpMyAdmin or WP-CLI to regain access.

Q: WordPress hacked redirect?

Scan your site for malware, clean infected files, and remove malicious redirects from .htaccess and theme files. Otherwise, WebbyCrown is here to assist you with that.

Q: WordPress site hacked how to fix it?

Restore from a clean backup, update all themes and plugins, change all passwords, and tighten site security.

Q: WordPress databases hacked?

Clean malware from your database tables using security plugins or manually via phpMyAdmin, then update passwords.

Q: How to restore a hacked WordPress site?

Use a clean backup, delete all current files, restore backups, update WordPress, themes, and plugins, and tighten security.

Q: How to check if the WordPress site is hacked?

Look for unexpected changes in files, sudden traffic spikes, unknown users, or unusual redirects. Use security plugins to scan for malware.